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ハドリアヌスはこの青年の死をひどく悼んだ。エジプト人はナイルで溺死したANTINOOにオシリスの従者のイメ−ジを抱き、この若者を神格化した。ナイル川沿いにAntinoupolisという街を建設するほどであった。ギリシャ人はANTINOOの内にヘルメースの化身を認めた。131−132年には、青年に限定して体操と音楽の競技、Antinoeiaという祭典が創設された。 クラウディオス・プトレマイオスの


ローマから北東に31キロの郊外に<ANTINOO>を寵愛したハドリアヌス帝の別荘がある。2007年のローマでの個展の折、六華天目釉<ANTINOO>の名付け親、ラウラ・モナケーシ女史(アンティノー美術財団理事長)とその別荘 を訪れた。



5月の爽やかな午後の展覧会のオープニング。 たわわになるオレンジの木が美しく、香がたかれた内庭は、喧騒のローマ市中とは思えないひんやりとした静寂さが印象的でした。


  (漫画 『テルマエ・ロマエ』の著者 ハドリアヌス帝とANTINOO登場)

  Villa Adriana(Tivoli)世界遺産

Antinous (Adina o s, 111, 11/29 when I-130, )
the man originally from Bithynia , received the favor as a mistress
of the Emperor Hadrian . Is estimated about 18 years old who died, I know
that was drowned in the Nile River , but about its circumstances shrouded in
mystery. Represented numerous art works from the deified by Hadrian, his
face was well known in ancient times.

Statue in the Vatican Museums
Little is known about before Hadrian met Antinous. Claudius city's Bithynia
(a region of Asia minor) ( present BOL ) of was born in a town called
Mantinium. Antinous is dead 10/130 is known that, from the appearance of the
sculpture in under 20 years old at this time and can be inferred from the
date of birth is located in 112 from 110 years.

No books written about the place I met Adrian, age. Hadrian visited Claudio
Polis 123 in the winter or spring 124, Oh was likely. Became a favorite of
Hadrian in 130, Hadrian traveled to Egypt from referred to in official
existence as the Emperor's henchmen. (25 Days and seems), October Hadrian
find this young man has drowned in the Nile River. However should remain
shrouded in mystery about the situation. Hadrian himself caused this
accident, or prolonged reign of Hadrian's described as Antinous devoted
willingly sacrifice themselves, such as has been since ancient times.

Hadrian mourned the death of this young man badly. Egypt who image of the
followers of Osiris , this young man to the deified Antinous was drowned in
the Nile. In was enough to build a Antinoupolis is a city on the Nile River.
Greece who admitted Antinous in Hermes incarnate. 131-132 Years to the youth
only, gymnastics and music competitions, Antinoeia Festival was founded.
Antinous name attached to a 5 stars in Ptolemy 's " Almagest " is mentioned,
has currently become Aquila constellation. Caught cold in Rome at first, but
gradually became familiar with as the object of faith. Christianity became
the last great faith which were made ago the arrival.